Reston Hoops Summer Basketball
This document is intended as a general guide to the Reston Summer Basketball Rules and Policies, as well as player, coach and/or spectator responsibilities. It is for informational use only. From time to time, the Leauge Board reviews its policies, procedures and rules and will make revisions based on the need for and desirability for change. Any policy, procedure or rule outlined in this document may be modified at any time by the Board without advance notice. Additionally, depending on the circumstances of a particular situation, the Leauge Board remains free to decide in all cases whether to apply the policies expressed herein to any particular set of circumstances. By registering your child to play in the RYC/Reston Hoops Summer Basketball League or yourself to coach, you agree to become aware of the information contained in the manual and abide by it.
RYC/Reston Hoops Basketball is a summer league that focuses on developing skills, engaging in healthy competition and exhibiting positive sportsmanship at all times. All rules and league decisions foster these developments.
All players are eligible to play for only one division and one team per summer.
Registering for the Summer: All League Participants must be Registered!
Individual (“Free Agent”) | Register by June 7th, 2024 to ensure you are placed on a team.
- In order to avoid being placed on the waitlist, please have all individuals registered by June 7th, 2024.
- All individuals must be evaluated by the league in order to be placed on a team.
Please refer to the Evaluation tab to see the evaluation dates, time slots, and policies.
Team Registration – ** New for the 2024 Season **
- Teams can still register in full or partial with at least 4 players.
- Teams will have until May 31st to bring the roster up to 10 players or the League will add players to your roster.
- Team Players will all register/pay individually this summer.
- Team Players will be placed on their team based on the Coach Name entered in their registration and matching the submitted roster from the Registered Coach.
- Players on a team registered roster do not attend an evaluation.
Waitlist Placement: Players who register beginning June 1st.
- Players placed on a team from the waitlist will have 24 hours from receiving the “Team Placement” email to submit payment/documents or the League will place the next player in line on the waitlist.
Team & Roster Placement Information
- All evaluated Free Agents will be assigned to teams by June 9th/10th, 2024.
- The league reserves the right to add players to any team.
- Roster changes can only be made with league approval. Failure to receive league approval will result in forfeiture of violated games.
Team Practices: Planned for at least one practice per week beginning June 10th.
- Practice day(s) and times will be at the discretion of the coach based on player availability.
- Due to indoor gym space limitations, most practices will be held at an outdoor court. * There are many outdoor courts in the Reston area that are on a first come, first serve basis.
Season Scheduling & Matchups
- Matchups: The goal of the Summer League is to have as many competitive games as possible throughout the course of the season. The league reserves the right to match-up teams and make changes throughout the season based on skill/record.
- Game Day Locations: The leauge receives gym space from the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood & Community Services (NCS). We do our best to secure space in the Reston/Herndon area, but we compete with many other organizations. It is possible that games are located outside of the immediate area.
- Schedule Changes: The league cannot guarantee that schedule requests can be accommodated. All teams are expected to be able to play Monday – Friday between 5:30 – 10pm. Except for an emergency, a schedule change request must be made at least 48 hours in advance, and must be approved by the league. A change will be considered only if less than five players can make the game. If a coach can not attend a game, there must be an alternate adult present to coach the team.
- The league reserves the right to modify the game times & final weeks scheduling based on competitive play and playoff implications.
- Schedule Updates: Check this website and in the Team Snap app after 4:00 p.m. on a daily basis for up-to-date schedule information.
Game Day
- It is recommended for teams to arrive at their gym location at least 15 minutes before their start time.
- League Game Jerseys: Players are required to wear the official league shirt for league play. An acceptable replacement of a like-colored shirt will be allowed.
- Team Bench:
- One adult coach must be present at each game.
- Only one coach per team can stand during a game.
- Players not in the game must remain seated on the bench at all times.
- A team must have four (4) eligible roster players to begin a game at tipoff time. A forfeit will result if a team has fewer than five eligible players by the end of halftime.
- At the end of each game, all players, coaches and parents/team managers MUST immediately exit the gym.
Backcourt Defenses
- 1st/2nd Grade (Future Stars) – No Backcourt Defense.
- 3rd/4th Grade – No Backcourt Defense in the first half or if up 10+ points.
- 5th/6th / 7th/8th / JV / Varsity – No Backcourt Defense if up 10+ points.
Player/Team Fouls
- A player will be “fouled out” once they have 5 personal fouls.
- “Bonus” (1 & 1): Seventh Team Foul of the half.
- “Double Bonus” (2 Shots): Tenth Team Foul of the half.
- Technical Foul (2 Shots + Possession): A player or coach who receives two technical fouls in a game will be ejected and will have to serve an additional one game suspension.
- INTENTIONAL FOULS WILL RESULT IN PLAYER AND/OR TEAM SUSPENSIONS. A player who commits a flagrant “T” will be immediately ejected from the game and face a minimum of a one game suspension. A team that commits two flagrant fouls in a game will forfeit the game and face the possibility of league suspension. A second incident by a player or team will result in suspension or expulsion from the league.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Adults are expected to set an example for the league. Anyone not able to control their language, behavior, or show good sportsmanship will:
- Be warned.
- Receive a technical foul.
- Be ejected and suspended for at least one game.
- Lose the privilege of coaching/attending games.
Player Eligibility: Players must play at two regular season to be eligible for the playoffs.
Playoff Seeding Tie Breakers
- Total Wins
- Head-To-Head
- Least Points Allowed (Average based on non-forfeit games)
Team Eligibility/Seeding
- Teams that forfeit two games without proper league notification will be ineligible for the playoffs.
- The league reserves the right to adjust a team’s seeding and/or playoff brackets based on regular season performance (i.e. strength of schedule; unbalanced schedule; dominance in a division; etc.)