Reston Hoops, a leading organization dedicated to fostering a love for basketball, volleyball and community service, is expanding its outreach efforts in the Reston and Herndon areas. By launching the new website,, Reston Hoops aims to provide comprehensive information and support for various local sports leagues, enhancing community engagement and promoting healthy, active lifestyles.

Promoting Diverse Sports Leagues is designed to be a one-stop resource for sports enthusiasts, parents, and young athletes in the Reston and Herndon communities. While the primary focus remains on the popular basketball and volleyball leagues, the site also features information on several sister leagues that Reston Hoops endorses. These include:


  • Reston Football: A program dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of football, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  • Herndon Reston Lacrosse: Offering opportunities for youth to learn and excel in lacrosse, promoting physical fitness and strategic thinking.
  • Herndon Reston Wrestling (the Hawks): Focused on building strength, discipline, and resilience through the sport of wrestling.
  • Herndon Reston Baseball: Providing a platform for young athletes to develop their baseball skills and enjoy competitive play.
  • GreatFalls / Reston Soccer:


Community Service and Outreach

Reston Hoops is committed to more than just sports. The organization’s mission includes community service initiatives that bring people together and create a positive impact. By endorsing and promoting these sister leagues, Reston Hoops helps ensure that families have access to a variety of sports programs, regardless of their interests.

How Helps

The new website,, serves as a hub for:


  • Registration Information: Simplifying the process for parents and guardians to sign their children up for various sports leagues.
  • League Details: Offering comprehensive information about league schedules, practice times, and locations.
  • Community Events: Highlighting local events, tournaments, and community service opportunities where families can get involved.
  • Resources and Support: Providing helpful resources for athletes, including training tips, health and wellness advice, and more.


Looking Ahead

Reston Hoops envisions as a dynamic and evolving platform. As the site grows, it plans to integrate more features and information, making it an essential tool for anyone involved in the local sports community. The goal is to foster a supportive environment where young athletes can thrive, learn valuable life skills, and build lasting friendships.

By championing a variety of sports leagues and community initiatives, Reston Hoops is paving the way for a healthier, more connected Reston and Herndon. Visit today to explore the exciting opportunities available and join the movement to promote sports and community service in our neighborhoods.